Ramapo DWI and Criminal Defense Lawyer
Fight Back Against DWI Charges in Ramapo
After an arrest on a DWI charge, you have a choice to make. Are you going to just plead guilty and take the punishment? Or are you interested in finding out about your options for a defense? My firm, The Law Office of Brian Berkowitz, offers exceptional insight into the DWI legal process.
I formerly served as a DWI prosecutor for the Rockland County District Attorney's Office, and I know exactly what it takes to successfully defend a DWI charge, whether it is filed as an aggravated DWI, if the accused has multiple DWIs, if the case involves DWI & drugs, underage DUI or other DWI offenses.
I have seen it all and I know how to identify the most effective DWI defenses for each case. I take my job very seriously, and I know how important the outcome of your case is to you and to your family. The Ramapo DWI attorney you choose should offer you personal client care, as I do at my firm.
Penalties for DWI Charges
The DWI penalties in our state are extremely harsh. A first time Aggravated DWI conviction (the charge if you register at .18 or higher BAC) can lead to fines up to $2,500, a possible term in jail of up to 1 year, the requirement of the installation of an Ignition Interlock Device, at your own expense, and the loss of your license for 1 year.
A second offense has a maximum possible fine of $5,000, the possibility of incarceration for up to 4 years, and a minimum of 18 months revocation of your driver's license. A second Aggravated DWI will be filed as a Class E Felony. A 3rd offense within 10 years can lead to a fine of up to $10,000, up to 7 years behind bars, and an 18 months license revocation. These penalties are for the conviction only. There is also a mandatory conviction surcharge or crime victims assistance fee.
The impact on your personal life can be much more extensive. You could lose potential employment opportunities, and will be paying much higher insurance rates for a long time – when you finally get your license back. I believe that the justice system can work, but you need a high quality defense lawyer on your side. In my years serving on the "other side" it became very apparent to me how critical the quality of the defense is to the final outcome of the case.
If you are facing DWI charge of any type, I urge you to contact me immediately. Your case may have serious errors that could be a great advantage to you, or even lead to a case dismissal. The evidence I must review includes the results of breath and blood tests, the administration and results of field sobriety tests, and a full review of the initial police stop and the arrest procedure. I know only too well how law enforcement can make errors. I know how to identify the mistakes and use them to my clients' advantage.
DWI Defense Attorney in Ramapo
It could not be more important that you get your case reviewed before you make your plea. It is possible that your case is so full of flaws and errors that I could get it dismissed. If you plead guilty, the process will now just move forward to the punishment phase.
If you hold off on making that decision until I have reviewed your case, I can determine the best course of action for your defense. I am proud to serve my clients, and my firm is completely focused on client care and results. We are available and ready to serve you immediately if you have been arrested. It is vital that you contact our firm immediately after your arrest, and that you exercise your right to remain silent.
I also represent my clients in DWI hearings, in speeding and traffic tickets, and in criminal defense. I believe that my years of experience and my background, as well as my consistent case results are my best recommendation to you. If you contact my firm, you can find out more about how I can help you, and what can be done to defend you. Each case is unique in every way, and it takes insight into the process to determine the best action for you. I take the time with each client that is necessary, and that they deserve.
Ramapo Resources
Call The Law Office of Brian Berkowitzfor the highest level of legal counsel in DWI and DWAI charges in Ramapo.